The russians are coming

CE doesn’t understand, what’s going on? Why does Russia have to spy on us to get our vaccine research? What happened to the concept of “if you save one life you save the world”. Why not share the research with warm hands? Perhaps by opening the door to our science and knowledge we might open other doors of compassion, commonality and hope.

Public ServiCe aNnouncements. Where have they Gone?

Anyone watching TV in the 60s and 70s remembers the public service announcements about not crossing in the middle of the block and keeping America beautiful. Where are the public service announcements explaining to the TV and digital viewing public how to keep us safe?

( CE suggests that you Google the above PSAs )

The probleMs in the world are Caused by our actions

The following was published recently on

For some strange reason, people around the world have decided that the best way to mark important holidays and events is to have a public fireworks show. We choose to celebrate the birth of a New Year, the freedom of our nation, the triumph of good over evil, by blowing things up. Most of us are aware that fireworks are dangerous: we either know someone, or know of someone, who ended up in the hospital emergency room due to fireworks, but most people are completely unaware of the more insidious environmental damages and health impacts caused by fireworks.

Basically, a firework is a small pyrotechnic missile that explodes in a very specific way, creating loud explosions and bursts of brightly colored light. But all those brillantly colored explosions are just where the trouble starts. The colors of fireworks are the result of chemistry and physics made visible. Specifically, fireworks’ colors depend upon solid metal salts and chemical explosives (this is the chemistry part) that create colors when heated to the correct temperatures (this is the physics part).

The metal salts and explosives in fireworks undergo chemical changes by combining with oxygen (combustion). This chemical reaction releases smoke and gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen, and these are some of the primary greenhouse gases responsible for climate change.

During the explosion, these metal salts do not ‘burn up’. They are still metal atoms, and many of them end up as aerosols that poison the air, the water and the soil. When inhaled or ingested, these metals can cause a huge variety of short- and long-term reactions, ranging from vomiting, diarrhea or asthma attacks, to kidney disease, cardiotoxic effects and a variety of cancers.

Although it’s often overlooked, sudden loud noises, such as those created by fireworks explosions, are a health hazard too. Not only are these sounds inescapable, but fireworks can damage hearing, trigger mental health episodes in those who suffer from PTSD,and can lead to life-threatening injuries to pets, livestock, wildlife and birds.
CE’s is wondering if the benefits outweigh the harm?

We’re back

Put your seatbelts on and get ready for a wild ride. CE has been given permission from the kids to step back on his soapbox.

Ce’s recipe for peace

For there to be peace we have to care about each other’s children not just our own.

Let’s give thanks

As we rapidly approach the holiday and giving season here are some words of wisdom from CE’s father a/k/a JGHL (of blessed memory) on how to get along with family, extended family, friends and acquaintances; “ no one knows what you are thinking, just what you say”.


CE and the CE team.

No Quid pro quo

Where is the sign that sets forth the patient’s rights if any?

The doctor is now more than 25 minutes late.

The doctor is now more than 25 minutes late.

Having your cake and eating it too.

New Jersey recently enacted a law clarifying that a candidate for one of the state’s U.S. Senate or House seats can also run in presidential primaries.

hold on now.  You have a job, and you want a different job so you can keep your current job at the same time as you actively pursue the new job and if things go south and you don’t get the new job your old job will be waiting for you and then you can write a book about the ordeal. 

This is clearly amazing.  As CE’s father ( a war refugee) often said, “so, you like it in America “

Happy Father’s Day

Although CE has no doubt that Mrs. CE and each and every mother holds the key to their children’s paths, it is comforting to know that Hallmark and the retail industry have not forgotten that recognizing a dad can help spur the economy. 

But as important as wishing each one of us a wonderful day is that even though he has little chance to contend, on this Sunday Tiger is playing another father’s day round at the US Open.  

enjoy the final ten hours of coverage on the Fox network and the US Open App. 


Why do health care professionals wear gloves?

CE has the answer and it’s not the answer CE was looking for. 

Those latex gloves are a defense against germs. Ok no surprise there. But just who are the gloves protecting?   

If you are a long time CE reader then you already know where this is going.   

“If it’s good for the consumer it’s a coincidence “. ( see early posts ) 

yup it’s not the patient that the doctors are concerned with, it’s themselves.  

 Yesterday Mrs. CE visited a local medecin and was spell bound as the doc put on gloves and proceeded to touch various non sterilised items before examining her eye.  Naturally Mrs. CE prevented this from occurring and insisted that he put on a new pair of gloves. When asked why he wears gloves he sheepishly admitted that the gloves are not to protect the patient but to be sure that the doctor does not get sick in case the patient has anything contagious.  

If you are squeamish or intolerant of questions please skip this post.

In October 1979 CE was hit over the head with the realization that it’s not the answers that matter.  


Prominent cities across our nation from SF-NYC have relaxed or ignore the penalties for public; drug use, drinking alcohol, excessive noise and public urination.  


Couldn’t hold it in?Shouldn’t  municipalities provide safe and clean rest areas?   Why should toddlers and young children have to navigate past this behavior?

Couldn’t hold it in?

Shouldn’t  municipalities provide safe and clean rest areas?   Why should toddlers and young children have to navigate past this behavior?

The Best of Intentions to fight infections.

while at the hospital with Mrs. CE for a pre surgery visit   



clearer view below 




As the world turns it is more and more evident that; 
