Caveat emptor was on the wrong side of the penny today and learned a lesson which should be learned by consumers and merchants alike and reminds us how we must be compassionate to those who cannot see. It started innocently with the good intentions of caveat emptor we had scheduled an interview for employment the prospect took the bus to meet us and had to return by bus. to defray the expenses of the bus trip caveat emptor placed a $20 bill in his backpack with only the best of intentions however as caveat emptor was dropping off the perspective staff member at the bus stop he reached into his back pocket and unknowingly handed the job candidate a one dollar bill instead of the $20 bill what an embarrassment. This error was only discovered several hours after the fact when caveat emptor was emptying his pockets to get ready for the night upon discovering the misstep Caveat emptor immediately called and left a sincere apology on the candidates a voicemail and followed up with a text message and then offered the candidate a job which was accepted. The moral of the tale is in the words of Jackson then Fret "don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy"