A schnoz dilemna

CE needs help (that’s a given) please let us know if anyone knows how to take just the first tissue from a new tissue box and not the multiple tissues that seem to be attached.

Best book ever writtten

CE’s in box was overwhelmed with comments and explanations about the use of the letter t in the words soften, often and don’t forget fasten. The allegiance to the t being silent was most prevalent with baby boomers while millennials and generation xers seem more inclined to pronounce the t. Evan your check is in the mail.
As the beginning of the end of the pandemic is seemingly in sight, CE suggests that while there is still time to read and “cogitate” you get your hands on a copy of Jerry Posner’s book,” attention late bloomers: you’re right on time “.

Is the T silent?

CE would appreciate an explanation. Often and soften.
$1.00 to the first subscriber with a plausible answer.

Thank you for picking up your dog’s poop, but

Please take your poop bag to your house and put it in your garbage can. Please do not throw the poop bag into our garbage can or on our lawn. CE has no doubt that your parents taught you manners. You can do this.

Nobody Forced you to get a dog

Picking up after your dog is not a seasonal responsibility. Your dog’s poop will not melt with the snow. CE suggests that you (and you know who I am referring to) stop leaving a mess.

Connecting the mouth with the brain

“ between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.“

Dr. Viktor Frankl

Double dipping

In the COVID-19 reality that we find ourselves in, CE warns that it is imperative to avoid double dipping, whether you pick, dip, dunk or taste, the new rule must be one and done.

The CE board is also recommending that we avoid other double dipping as well.  CE recently retained the services of a Geriatric Care Manager (GCM) for one of our clients having complete faith and trust that the GCM would act in the best interests of the client.  

Guess again, unbeknownst to CE the GCM is also a partner in a Home Health Care Placement agency…………..

yes you got it….the GCM hired the agency that they have an interest in to provide the services.  

The GCM’s Objective was clearly not to look after the client’s best interests, but rather to look after the pecuniary interests of the GCM.

Moral of the story---



An example of covid fatigue

A longtime CE subscriber informs us that certain Purell dispensers at a world renown hospital are not working


Why do so many politicians play golf?

As aptly written by B. Thaves, “how can you not like a game where it’s ok to get teed off, tote a six iron, shoot birdies, and if you’re under par it’s a great day!”

Our mOst coNtroversial post to date

Why do we do our utmost to teach our children to not talk, take food from or ever go anywhere with a stranger?

Hold on now the rules above only hold true 364 days a year. On Halloween it’s ok for kids to dress in a costume, knock on strangers doors and beg for food.
Have we all lost our minds? Why not encourage public service day instead of lining the pockets of the Hershey company and other similar businesses?

And in 2020 amidst a worldwide pandemic why are our national and local leaders not setting stringent Covid safety guidelines for kids to follow?
As Paul Simon ( Art Garfunkel’s father lol was a teacher at CE’s high school and Paul played right field on the baseball team) wrote, I feel like we are “slip sliding away “


What is wrong with us?

Shouldn’t access to medical care be a protected right?

should the right to bear arms which undeniably often ( FYI the t in often is silent ) results in physical injury requiring medical attention be more of a right?

how about if we get rid of guns and other lethal weapons and replace them with an annual checkup?

CE will not remind anyone to vote, because most of us already have.

best wishes

Are we in the midst of change?

Joseph-Alexandre Ségur


(14 April 1756 – 27 July 1805) was a French poet, songwriter and playwright.  Ségur

Was recently credited in the WSJ with asking and answering the following question

“Do you want to know what a revolution is?” “ It can be summed up quite neatly with the words: Get out, so that I may install myself in your place.”

CarNac the magnificent got it right

Are there any politicians that actually hear and respond to the questions they are asked? Why and when did deflection become such a sought after skill?


As the COVID numbers go up in NJ, Governor Murphy blames the “ knuckleheads “. The CE staff takes umbrage with the governor’s point of view. We unanimously take the position that those individuals are not mere knuckleheads but should be viewed as criminals and that the total lack of care and the resulting deaths they have caused should equate to involuntary or constructive manslaughter. ( see Wikipedia for a detailed explanation of manslaughter)